Archangel (Samaria #1) by Sharon Shinn
Author: Sharon Shinn
Title: Archangel
Series: Samaria
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Through science, faith, and force of will, the Harmonics carved out for themselves a society that they conceived as perfect. Diverse peoples held together by respect for each other. Angels to guard the mortals and mystics to guard the forbidden knowledge. Jehovah to watch over them all...
Generations later, the armed starship Jehovah still looms over the planet of Samaria, programmed to unleash its arsenal if peace is not sustained. But with the coming of an age of corruption, Samaria's only hope lies in the crowning of a new Archangel. The oracles have chosen Gabriel for this honor, and further decreed that he must first wed a mortal woman named Rachel.
It is his destiny and hers. And Gabriel is certain that she will greet the news of her betrothal with enthusiasm, and a devotion to duty equal to his own.
Rachel, however, has other ideas...
I actually had this book on my shelves at home but I couldn't remember ever finishing the book and I also couldn't remember why. So when the author was recommended to me I decided to pick it up and finish it.
I remember now.
In Archangel Shinn creates a really fantastic world by blending spiritualism and fantasy in one place. Our angels reach a sort of promotion stage in becoming archangels but there's a catch. They have to sing, and they need human assistance.
This is where readers find themselves following along the early stages of Gabriel's oncoming promotion to becoming an archangel when he has to find and convince Rachel to sing with him.
This is where my interest I think the first time around really failed to follow along to the end of the book. Rachel is one of the most god awful heroines to be paired with Gabriel. No matter how nice he is, no matter what he does, Rachel is constantly cruel, cold, rude, and completely careless of why she suddenly has this bigger purpose and why its so important.
She doesn't really care about anything or anyone outside of herself because she is still so caught up in herself that she can't think of anything outside of her own selfish self centered wants and desires even as she is so inconsistent when it comes to really investing in that self absorption when confronted with it.
Its really odd and clashes with your hopes that she will overcome her past to blossoming into this better more humble person and achieve healing but readers never really get that.
In the end I felt like the choice in heroine was completely wrong for this kind of story and it didn't mesh with me. I uprated because I liked the angels and the world that Shinn created but poor character personality kept me from rating the book much higher than that.
I read Archangel after receiving an author recommendation from Olga Godim.
Until next time book lovers...
Krissys Bookshelf Reviews purchased a print copy for personal collection.
All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
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