Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1) by Sophie Kinsella

Becky Bloomwood has what most twenty-five-year-olds only dream of: a flat in London's trendiest neighborhood, a troupe of glamorous socialite friends, and a closet brimming with the season's must-haves. The only trouble is, she can't actually afford it --- not any of it. Her job writing at Successful Saving magazine not only bores her to tears, it doesn't pay much at all. Still, how can she resist that perfect pair of shoes? Or the divine silk blouse in the window of that ultra-trendy boutique? But lately Becky's been chased by dismal letters from Visa and the Endwich Bank --- letters with large red sums she can't bear to read --- and they're getting ever harder to ignore. She tries cutting back; she even tries making more money. But none of her efforts succeeds. Her only consolation is to buy herself something ... just a little something ...
My Review:
Confessions of a Shopaholic isn't great but it isn't bad, I mostly had a problem with Becky personally because it got on my nerves that she dismissed her outstanding debt continuously made excuses for her need to spend by spending more then made more purchases and again by forgetting those purchases in her room.
On top of that my own frustration built because of Becky's on going toss away of money she doesn't have. I know what its like to not have money and struggle to find a way to get through without it and dismissing the abuse of that got on my nerves. It really sucks that on the flip of a dime everything just works out magically without any remorse for the way her ignorance affects the people in her life, the harm she causes by the lies she tells that suddenly she's, a star, her problems are solved and prince money bags comes to the rescue without a clue.
Being a shopaholic and building up those purchases in your house is a sister relation to being a hoarder. Its close to the same thing. The need for more shit you don't actually need and accumulating it without reason other than your addiction to it.
It encourages the same behavior in people that think its okay to do this kind of thing because they get it in the book readers get it in their head that someones going to wave a magic wand and make their problems go away. Its too much past unrealistic.
But if happily ever after and pleasure spending is what you're after this could be the book for you.
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