Scary Old Sex by Arlene Heyman

Scary Old Sex - Arlene Heyman

Scary Old Sex by Arlene Heyman

Scary Old Sex, a debut collection of short stories, was written and rewritten over a period of thirty years. In her youth, Arlene Heyman had been a promising young writer, studying with Bernard Malamud at Bennington College and earning an M.A. from the prestigious Syracuse University program. But her life changed course and she entered medical school, writing only in quiet moments between her full-time work as a psychiatrist and raising her family. Now, after decades of writing for her own pleasure, these mature and accomplished stories will be published to wide acclaim.
In this taboo-breaking debut, Heyman, a practicing psychiatrist, gives us what really goes on in people's minds and relationships--those things unspoken in much of society, about sex between older people, or about sex and love when one person is very ill, or when the age difference makes the relationship practically illegal. Love and sex in these stories are seen, sometimes, through the wide-open eyes of women, with women often in dominant roles in relationships. A few of the stories are raw, many are unsettling, but all are insightful and at times humorous, looking behind the curtain at the intimacies we usually keep to ourselves.
Not intended to be titillating, Heyman's stories give us the lives we all live: the real, the sloppy, the human.

My Review:
Scary Old Sex should be read by everyone. I'd love to add this book to my collection at home because I'd buy a stack and give it to so many people. Scary Old Sex is an honest exploration into the reality of getting older and how aging affects men and women's sexual and intimate relationships as they age. Its a brilliant way of showing the emotional and mental affects the change that men, women and couples ago through as their bodies morph from the teen and adult selves to the persons that take over their youthful hearts and minds as the true face of sex comes rolling in to introduce itself. Its not beautiful, its not flawless or always passionate. Its clumsy, its a thing to work into your schedule its something that affects many people on a fundamental level. Heyman doesn't sugar coat the truth in her various stories and I really respected that the further I read. Scary Old Sex is a beautiful book I enjoyed and found quite a bit of joy and sadness and just a tid bit of trepidation with. A fantastic read.

My Rating:
5 Stars

Reviewed By: Krissy's Bookshelf Reviews

Note: I received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review