The Scandalous Mackenzies: The Untamed Mackenzie and Scandal and the Duchess (Mackenzies Series)

The Scandalous Mackenzies -  Jennifer Ashley The Scandalous Mackenzies: The Untamed Mackenzie and Scandal and the Duchess (MacKenzies & McBrides #5.5 & 6.5)by Jennifer Ashley

The Untamed Mackenzie
When Lady Louisa Scranton of the decadent Scottish Mackenzie family is accused of murder, Detective Inspector Lloyd Fellows of Scotland Yard, vows to clear her name. He’s already shared kisses with Lady Louisa, and not only is he convinced of her innocence, he’s falling for her. And while he may be the only hope of restoring her family’s honor, he intrigues Louisa in a way that may be even more scandalous than murder.
Scandal and the Duchess
Scandal follows Rose Barclay, young widow of the Duke of Southdown, wherever she goes. And now she’s been kicked out of her rightful home. But the dashing Scot Steven McBride—a decorated soldier who is notorious for heavy gambling and womanizing during his leave time—comes up with a ruse to foil the journalists and save Rose’s inheritance. But Rose will have to go along with his very scandalous proposal.
Includes a teaser of Jennifer Ashley’s The Stolen Mackenzie Bride

My Review:
I have said many times how glad I am for authors that put together their mini novellas into a single book. Which is also great for the fans out there that still aren't digitally plugged in as well as really fantastic for those that like to have a complete print collection because you really miss that when you have digital only stories a part of a series. It really leaves it feeling incomplete so cheers to Ashley for bringing Scandal and the Duchess and Untamed Mackenzie together.
In Untamed Mackenzie Louisa and Lloyd are finally brought together in a situation where they are both forced to face up to their feelings for one another. (What is it with people that can't just walk up to someone and tell them how they feel?) You get the investigation/mystery to work through while trying to do the same to uncover their feelings. Its a slow build romance but still fun to see them play off one another.
Scandal and the Duchess wasn't one of my favorites but I enjoyed Steven and Roses personalities so it was really entertainment by wit that kept my attention. There isn't a whole lot to say about the story over all because it really kind of gives way to the whole thing. Rose is a widow in trouble and Steven comes to her "rescue". Fast paced romance but still fun.

My Rating:
4 Stars

Reviewed By: Krissy's Bookshelf Reviews

Note: I received a print copy in exchange for an honest review from Berkley