Brash: The Cavanaugh Brothers

Brash: The Cavanaugh Brothers - Laura Wright I received a print copy in exchange for an honest review from Berkley.

Before I begin can I just stop to admire this cover? I mean seriously. Yum.
Okay so about the book, where did the yum go? I mean, I felt like I was waiting the whole time for something to happen. Grace and Cole are fantastic characters - both of them. Laura never fails in that department but the entire time I kept thinking where do they meet in the middle? When do they open up? I get slow building but I just didn't feel there was any building. I wanted romance, I wanted mystery, I wanted zest and zeal. I got fizzle. There was plenty of good duo convo for our h/h but I think I was expecting more "investigation" or more "sex and flowers" or just more sex period.
There is plenty of heat and light heart thumps for the reader but I just wanted so much to happen that I think I primed myself too early for an orgasm that wound up fading before I actually crested over the climax of the story. I admit that Brash left me wanting yet I still enjoyed the foreplay despite my disappointment. I always enjoy Laura's writing because she has a way of creating scenes that really put you in the "movie" so I won't give up on her yet.