
Sunshine - Robin McKinley I'm giving Sunshine three stars and honestly can't say why. Probably because its between 1-5 and I can't decide if I really liked the book or really hated it.
Sunshine made me feel like I'd been inside the mind of a mad scientist lost somewhere in psychosis.
I'm not sure if I should be impressed or intimidated but there's a stroke of genius in there somewhere.
Although I saw lots of ravings before I read the book over how sensual, sizzling, and sexual it was I didn't see anything of the sort - at all. (Unless you count the blood exchange event as sexual which felt as dry and disorienting as Sunshine did.)
There was a weirdly vague sense of intimacy in there somewhere but to be honest I was a little distracted by Sunshine's chaotic mind to notice.
I think I might have liked the story better had it been told from Con's point of view because even though he was mostly a blank slate I think he's the only character in the entire book I actually grew to like. But then most of the characters are baseless and empty and just sort of there without any true purpose (in my opinion anyway.)
Strangely enough despite the migraine the book gave me I'm fascinated. I wonder if there will be more of Con and Sunshine in the future? If there will be, are we going to get any development at all? (Characters? Plot? Purpose? Background? Emotion? Anything?) Would there even be a reason to continue? I don't know. I spent the entire book feeling like I was waiting for something to happen that just... didn't.