Wolf Bride

I was really on the fence about how I felt toward Wolf Bride. There is so much to love, so much dynamic story telling going on and the chorus of characters all buzzing in kept me interested enough to follow through.
The story itself sort of leans on the complex power struggles of difficult relationships that aren't all the typical shades of blue, red or green. Eloise ofcourse was the typical female heroine of historical romance, fragility, weakness, child-like and not all that bright. Yet there's also this other side to her that brings in a sort of underlining of strength and determination or if not that then sheer stubbornness.
It plays well off of Wolf who also has quite a bit of roughness and stubborn mind. Sometimes he's a bit too much but when you consider the times and how it could have been realistically in that situation, their issues almost become believable.
I enjoyed Wolf Bride mostly because it plays in my favorite time in history I felt that Moss has researched it very well. I look forward to reading her next installments.