Beauty and the Billionaire

Beauty and the Billionaire - Jessica Clare I received a print copy in exchange for an honest review from Berkley.

I found it really difficult to think of what to say about this book. Beauty and the Billionaire reminded me of the Disney's Beauty and the Beast, add the sex with the tv shows Beauty and the Beast hero put in his place.
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You know, horrifically scarred and sullen but rich beyond means with an unbelievable innocence that needs to be brought out of him? Yeah.
And then there's his love interest Gretchen who doesn't mind the scars because she's a seductress with a heart.
Unfortunately none of it really seems to convince me that Hunter and Gretchen belong together because they really don't mesh well. Not even the sex which is fairly heated is believable. I mean, sure, making a guy lose it before you get the chance to consummate the act can be hot but the naivete of his mind really doesn't pull well into the over all story and rather than being sexy winds up fizzing into a low simmer instead of a boil.
I just couldn't believe in either character which is odd because other books I've read in this series are so great. I thought it was written well and it was good book just wasn't my cup of tea.