Wolves' Bane

Wolves' Bane - Angela Addams I received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley.

There was a lot of conflict for me in this story because there was quite a bit of insecurity and contradicting emotions fluctuating within Morgan that it was hard to stick with her through the beginning but I stuck with her. There were so many unique characters and personalities in Wolves Bane that I almost needed to keep a list of who was what, did what, and what their powers were. There were a lot of elements that were recognized in the paranormal romance genre but there was also quite a bit that is special to this author.
A boon for all the female swooners, the men are dominating testosterone pumped... animals that will take over your world.
The love triangle complication is one that carries and weighs heavily on Morgan's shoulders that you can't help but want to understand everything she's going through. She's a character that grows on you and that you really grow to feel for her and the things she goes through as she tries to find her way through the complicated journey into her position and into the heart of the one she loves.
Be forewarned the sex is hot.